Distribution and trends
This map is derived from the Bird Atlas of the Netherlands (Sovon 2018). For each atlas square of 5x5 km, an estimate for the number of breeding pairs is given.
This map is derived from the Bird Atlas of the Netherlands (Sovon 2018). For each atlas square of 5x5 km, an estimate for the number of wintering birds is given.
Population trends
breeding bird trend
Data derived from the annual survey of colonial and rare breeding birds. Shown is the annual number of breeding territories.
- vanaf 1990
- not available
waterbird trend
The data comes from the Waterbird Monitoring Network. For each season, the average number of birds (red dots), the trend line (dark blue) and associated standard error (light blue lines) are given. Seasons run from July to June.
- vanaf 1987
- significant increase, >5% a year (++)
- laatste 12 jaar
- no significant change in numbers (0)
Breeding success and survival
Not enough data.
Seasonal occurrence
seasonal pattern
Data derived from observations of rare non-breeding birds.
Occurrence description
Buiten broedtijd
Kuifaalscholvers worden vrijwel alleen op stenige plekken langs de kust gezien, met name bij pieren en werkeilanden. Het gaat om solitaire vogels of kleine groepjes die soms maandenlang ter plekke blijven. De meeste waarnemingen vallen tussen half augustus en half april. De aantallen lijken in het laatste kwart van de twintigste eeuw te zijn toegenomen. Dit valt samen met een toename van de Britse broedpopulatie, maar wordt ook veroorzaakt door toegenomen waarneemintensiteit en verbeterde determinatiekennis. Binnenlandwaarnemingen zijn bij ons overigens zeer zeldzaam.
Het eerste zekere broedgeval vond plaats in 2013 op Neeltje Jans. Het volgde op enkele jaren waarin Kuifaalscholvers al aanstalten leken te maken om te broeden, hier en in IJmuiden en in de haven van Rotterdam. Als broedvogel van rotskusten kozen de vogels een met zware rotsblokken versterkte strekdam.
Birds directive
Conservation status
The Birds Directive focuses on the conservation of all naturally occurring wild bird species in Europe, including the European Shag.
This means that EU Member States must take measures to maintain or bring the populations of these species to a level that corresponds in particular to ecological, scientific and cultural requirements.
The Birds Directive requires Member States to maintain habitats for birds of sufficient size and quality, including through the designation of Special Protection Areas for the benefit of the European Natura 2000 network. No special protection zones have been designated for the European Shag in the Netherlands. The national population must be able to maintain itself at a favorable level.
What is the methodology to assess the conservation status of birds
non-breeding bird
The conservation status of the European Shag as non-breeding bird in the Netherlands is favourable.
State of Conservation Assessment | ||||
Distribution | Population | Habitat | Future | Final verdict |
favourable | favourable | favourable | favourable | favourable |
Assigned areas
No areas assigned
Counting guidelines
No counting guidelines available.