Information per site

What are the important sites for the different bird species? Search for numbers and trends of breeding birds, migrants and winter visitors for Natura 2000 sites and other important bird areas in the Netherlands.

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Indices and numbers

Did species increase or decline over time? National indices and trends can be downloaded in separate tables per monitoring program. This information can be used freely, provided that the source is mentioned as recommended.

View the indices
The Snow Bunting - foto: Harvey van Diek

The Snow Bunting

De Sneeuwgors is de meest noordelijk broedende zangvogel ter wereld, tot in Noord-Groenland aan toe. Sneeuwgorzen die in Nederland overwinteren komen echter grotendeels uit IJsland, zuidelijkere streken van Groenland en Scandinaviƫ. Deze vogels spenderen van ongeveer half oktober tot februari hun tijd in Nederland, om vervolgens weer richting hun broedgebieden te vliegen.

Birds in The Netherlands

Thanks to the national bird counts, Sovon has insight into the development of numbers of Dutch bird species, their distribution and developments in areas important to birds, such as Natura 2000 areas.

The information is based on the monitoring networks that Sovon Vogelonderzoek Nederland coordinates in collaboration with Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and other organisations. The basis of the monitoring is formed by the Ecological Monitoring Network (NEM), to which regional and provincial monitoring networks are linked. The monitoring is made financially possible by the central government and the provinces. The information on this website is supplemented by the atlas projects carried out by Sovon, including Vogelatlas and LiveAtlas. The information is updated at least annually and is free to use provided that the recommended source is acknowledged graphs and is mentioned. See also the explanation with more details (in Dutch) about the results displayed.

The species and areas pages were created with co-funding from: