Distribution and trends
This map is derived from the Bird Atlas of the Netherlands (Sovon 2018). For each atlas square of 5x5 km, an estimate for the number of breeding pairs is given.
This map is derived from the Bird Atlas of the Netherlands (Sovon 2018). For each atlas square of 5x5 km, an estimate for the number of wintering birds is given.
Population trends
waterbird trend
The data comes from the Waterbird Monitoring Network. For each season, the average number of birds (red dots), the trend line (dark blue) and associated standard error (light blue lines) are given. Seasons run from July to June.
- vanaf 1993
- no significant change in numbers (0)
- laatste 12 jaar
- significant decrease, >5% a year (--)
Breeding success and survival
Not enough data.
Seasonal occurrence
seasonal pattern
Data derived from waterbird monitoring scheme (mostly monthly counts during winter). Shown is the monthly average number of birds for for the last five seasons. For each month is indicated which part is counted and what part is estimated (calculated using statistical methods). The red line shows the multi-year mean. This is the average over all months of the season, from July to June of the last five seasons. Months without estimation (indicated by ?) it is assumed that there were no birds.
Occurrence description
Exoot Herkomstgebied Oost-Azië. De Zwaangans vertoeft vaak in het gezelschap van Soepganzen. Mengparen tussen beide soorten komen regelmatig voor. De soort heeft zich in de jaren negentig gevestigd en de aantallen zijn toegenomen tot enkele tientallen broedparen. Friesland en het rivierengebied herbergen de meeste Zwaanganzen. Ze vertonen geen gerichte trekbewegingen, maar kunnen wel op enige afstand van broedplekken waargenomen worden. De gedomesticeerde vorm van de Zwaangans wordt ook wel (Chinese) Knobbelgans genoemd.
Birds directive
Conservation status
No conservation status applies to this species. The Swan Goose is an exotic species and therefore falls outside Article 1 of the Birds Directive, which relates to all natural wild bird species on the European territory of the EU Member States. The Swan Goose is therefore not protected under the Nature Conservation Act.
Assigned areas
No areas assigned
Counting guidelines
No counting guidelines available.