Distribution and trends
This map is derived from the Bird Atlas of the Netherlands (Sovon 2018). For each atlas square of 5x5 km, increased dot size showns possible breeding, probable breeding and confirmed breeding.
This chart is based on the Atlas of the Dutch Birds (1987), an estimate of the numbers present is given for each atlas square of 5x5 km.
Population trends
Not enough data.
Breeding success and survival
Not enough data.
Seasonal occurrence
Not enough data.
Occurrence description
Herkomst Zuid-Amerika.
Ontsnapte vogels verbleven vanaf begin jaren zeventig in (de wijde omgeving van) Haarlem en kwamen daar tot broeden van 1983 tot en met 1994. De aantallen namen toe tot een tiental vogels maar waren door predatie (Havik), ongelukken (trein) en wellicht andere oorzaken rond de eeuwwisseling geslonken tot een tweetal.
Birds directive
Conservation status
No conservation status applies to this species. The Scarlet Macaw is an exotic species and therefore falls outside Article 1 of the Birds Directive, which relates to all natural wild bird species on the European territory of the EU Member States. The Scarlet Macaw is therefore not protected under the Nature Conservation Act.
Assigned areas
No areas assigned
Counting guidelines
No counting guidelines available.