Distribution and trends
Not enough data.
Population trends
Not enough data.
Breeding success and survival
Not enough data.
Seasonal occurrence
Not enough data.
Occurrence description
Exoot. Herkomstgebied Noord-Amerika. Californische Kuifkwartel wordt veel in gevangenschap gehouden. Alle waarnemingen in Nederland hebben betrekking op ontsnapte exemplaren. Op verschillende plekken in de wereld zijn vrij levende populaties ontstaan, buiten het oorspronkelijke verspreidingsgebied. Hiervan is in ons land geen sprake.
Birds directive
Conservation status
No conservation status applies to this species. The California Quail is an exotic species and therefore falls outside Article 1 of the Birds Directive, which relates to all natural wild bird species on the European territory of the EU Member States. The California Quail is therefore not protected under the Nature Conservation Act.
Assigned areas
No areas assigned
Counting guidelines
No counting guidelines available.