Distribution and trends
Not enough data.
Population trends
Not enough data.
Breeding success and survival
Not enough data.
Seasonal occurrence
seasonal pattern
This chart is based on the Atlas of the Dutch Birds (1987). An indexed number per month is shown. First, the numbers are averaged over all counting years per atlas block for each month, the result of which is averaged over all atlas blocks for each month.
Occurrence description
Dwaalgast. Herkomst Amerika. Sinds 2003 wordt Brilzee-eend gemiddeld eens per jaar waargenomen in de Nederlandse kustwateren. De soort wordt alleen gezien in de winter, van oktober tot en met mei. Waarnemingen worden vooralsnog beoordeeld door de Commissie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Avifauna. www.dutchavifauna.nl.
Birds directive
Conservation status
No conservation status of this species is available.
Assigned areas
No areas assigned
Counting guidelines
No counting guidelines available.